VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardised scripting language developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) in order to allow for communication between ad servers and video players. As part of its specification, it does support having several creatives as part of the same tag, however it is rare for video players to support this feature.
VAST creative count check in Advalidation
This test/check detects whether or not the VAST tag contains multiple creatives. If it does, it will be flagged during the Advalidation QA process.
Note that all media files and tracking URLs of the ad will be tested and will appear to be part of the same creative. As multiple creative VAST tags are somewhat rare, this check calls for manual review of the ad hierarchy within the file.
Please note: if your player does not support this feature, it will most likely only play the first creative only and not rotate.
Advalidation's recommendation
We recommend having this test/check on, unless you are confident that your player is advances enough and will be able to support the creative rotation, or if you are happy for only the first creative to be played.
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